
Jacopo Ammendola


This paper describes the approach of architecture/urbanism practice and research workshop “orizzontale”, based in Rome, Italy.
The approach of the group is heuristic: it is to get involved, to put themselves on the line, to “play the game”. As a machine that absorbs and transforms every kind of things, orizzontale has a clear attitude for mutation over production. The act of building things is a primary tool the group uses to build communities, link them together and create confidence in the idea of a better society.
Experimental does not mean “avant-garde” but rather “empirical, exploratory, in-progress”. The scientific attitude toward fact-finding and result-testing is an integral part of orizzontale approach, together with the artistic aspects of the work. Among the strategies adopted by the collective a special attention should be given to the attempts to translate in a spatial language the ideas, very literally. The results of this process can be called “spatial metaphors”, “discursive buildings” or “talking machines”. What orizzontale leaves behind is not necessarily a construction, but the process which is able to build up knowledge, consciousness, and trust.


How to Cite
Ammendola, J. (2019) “Building as a Verb”, The Journal of Public Space, 4(3), pp. 7–40. doi: 10.32891/jps.v4i3.1219.
Art and Activism
Author Biography

Jacopo Ammendola, Orizzontale

Jacopo Ammendola is an architect, designer and researcher. He studied Architecture at Università di Roma Sapienza and at FAUP Porto. He is currently a research fellow and PhD candidate at the Department of Architecture of the Università di Firenze in Italy. The focus of his research is the construction of contemporary public spaces. As a multidisciplinary explorer, he examines the intersections between architecture, landscape architecture, urban studies, social sciences and communication design. He co-founded Orizzontale in 2010.