
Darko Radović


The world we live not only enables, but it demands interaction with, and an awareness of cultural difference. My own involvement in research and education with and in cultures of the Other started long ago, with deliberate focusing on radical cultural difference since mid 1990s. Main aims behind those attempts remain as established in those early days (Bull et al., 2008; Radović 2003; 2004; 2005a): to acknowledge and celebrate the possibility and an inevitability of diverse, situated knowledges (Haraway, 1991), and to expose the risks associated with any foreign intervention – even when careful and best intended (Radović, 2005b). In order to develop the much needed, finely responsive and highly responsible interactions with cultures other than our own, polemological edge grounded in a strong value system, and “force theory to recognise its own limits” (Highmore, 2006) is necessary. Such interactions contain the possibility of discovering and opening a new paradigm, new ways of thinking the seeds of which (may) exist in the ways of the Other.


How to Cite
Radović, D. (2019) “Ten Years of Thinking, Making and Living co+labo radović 研究室”, The Journal of Public Space, 4(4), pp. 125–136. doi: 10.32891/jps.v4i4.1237.
Reports from 'Past Present and Future of Public Space'
Author Biography

Darko Radović, Keio University

Darko Radović is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Keio University, Tokyo, and Visiting Professor at United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Politecnico di Milano, DASTU (2018-19) and University of Ljubljana (2019-20). He has taught, researched and practised architecture and urbanism in Europe, Australia and Asia in the fields of sustainable architecture, urban design, planning and strategic thinking. At Keio University, Darko currently leads architecture and urban design research laboratory co+labo radović, strategic Comprehensive Design Workshop and coordinates Keio Architecture Initiative. His work was published in English, Serbo-Croatian, Japanese, Korean, Italian and Thai languages.


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Barthes, R. (2011). The Preparation of the Novel, New York: Columbia University Press.

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Radović, D. (2005a). “BMB – the basis, lessons and inspirations: teaching design vs. teaching about design”, in Identity and Globalisation: Design for the City, Bordeaux: EAPdB.

Radović, D. (2005b). “Think about the soul of Bangkok! - fragments from an investigation into kwam pen muang, gradskost, urbanita, toshisei”, in Ra-Neang, Bangkok: Kasetsart University Press.

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Radović, D. (2013). Intensities in The Cities, Tokyo: flick Studio.

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