
Luisa Bravo




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How to Cite
Bravo, L. (2020) “Vol. 5 n. 2 | 2020 | FULL ISSUE”, The Journal of Public Space, 5(2), pp. 1–172. doi: 10.32891/jps.v5i2.1290.
Author Biography

Luisa Bravo, City Space Architecture

Luisa Bravo is a global academic scholar and educator, a social entrepreneur and a passionate public space activist. She has more than 15-years experience in the professional field as urban planner and designer with a specific focus on public space. After completing her PhD, with a thesis on contemporary urbanism, at University of Bologna in Italy (2008), she has been researching, teaching and lecturing in several Universities, in Italy and Europe, the United States, Middle East, Asia and Australia. Visiting scholar at IURD - Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California Berkeley (USA, 2012), Visiting Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture and Design at the Lebanese American University (Lebanon, 2015), Endeavour Executive Fellow at the Queensland University of Technology (Australia, 2018), Instructor for the Advanced Urbanism Studio at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden, 2018), she is currently Adjunct Professor in Urban Design at University of Florence (Italy). Luisa is Founding Member and President of City Space Architecture, a non-profit organization based in Italy with a mission to studying, making, spreading and sharing public space culture, through an interdisciplinary approach, involving art and architecture. She is Founder, Journal Manager and Editor in chief of ‘The Journal of Public Space’, established by City Space Architecture in partnership with UN-Habitat, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.

Luisa is a renowned speaker at major UN-Habitat global summits, such as Habitat III conference in Quito (Ecuador, 2016), 9th World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia, 2018), 2nd Saudi Urban Forum in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia, 2018), the 1st UN-Habitat Assembly in Nairobi (Kenya, 2019) and the 10th World Urban Forum in Abu Dhabi (UAE, 2020). She was also selected and invited to attend the 26th UN-Habitat Governing Council in Nairobi (May 2017), the High Level Meeting on the New Urban Agenda of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York (September 2017) and the Expert Group Meeting on public space promoted by Ax:son Johnson Foundation and UN-Habitat in Angelsberg (Sweden, 2018). Luisa’s lecture ‘Stand up for Public Space!’ - www.standupforpublicspace.org - has been included in the UN Habitat Global Urban Lectures series (season 4 - 2017), one of the UN-Habitat’s most publicly shared online outreach initiatives. 

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Luisa promoted the global initiative '2020: A Year without Public Space under the COVID-19 Pandemic' through City Space Architecture and in partnership with the School of Architecture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, affiliated to The Journal of Public Space.
Luisa's critical understanding and research on architecture, cities and public space have been recognized at the international stage as being innovative and meaningful, especially in making academic discussions accessible to large, often non-expert, audience through art-based projects and networking activities aimed at public engagement.

Luisa is the Founder and Curator of the Public Space Museum, the first Italian research centre entirely dedicated to collaborative and transdisciplinary approach to public space practice, merging art and architecture into a complex new discipline, based in Bologna. The Museum is developed in partnership with the Italian for-profit company Genius Saeculi.

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