
SriPallavi Nadimpalli


The time-space activities for women largely emerge from the relational needs and demands of others in their lives. Davies (2003) explains that as women take on multiple roles in both public and private spheres, they often have limited time for a pause. Drawing from Snow and Brissett (1986), Davies explains that these pauses are moments of relaxation, re-energising or reflection, which are essential for an individual’s well-being. Findings from 20 interviews conducted with migrant women in Hyderabad, India, showed that these pauses were necessary and integral to their everyday spatial routines at home and work. In addition to giving respite from daily chores at home, pauses helped establish social connections and form an attachment with a new place as migrants. This paper reflects on how these pauses can be impacted during COVID-19 times, especially when migrant women continue to experience an increased share of responsibilities at home due to patriarchal expectations and limited movement outdoors due to the lockdown restrictions in India. 


How to Cite
Nadimpalli, S. (2020) “Missed Pauses and Everyday Interactions for Migrant Indian Women during COVID-19 Times”, The Journal of Public Space, 5(3), pp. 115–120. doi: 10.32891/jps.v5i3.1295.
Author Biography

SriPallavi Nadimpalli, University of Melbourne

SriPallavi Nadimpalli is a PhD candidate in urban planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Building, and Planning. She is passionate about exploring gender intersections in planning and design to co-create inclusive spaces for all. She holds a master’s degree in Urban Planning from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and has a background in Architecture. She has previously worked in both public and private sectors in the fields of planning, real estate, and research in India and United States, for over six years.


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