
Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio


9 places in Europe, 9 artists and collectives, 9 hosts (European Festivals of Art in Public Space) and one multi-layered artistic framework and methodology –the acupuncture– to respond to specific challenges related to urban renewal, social justice or cultural identities. The IN SITU Network has developed this ambitious project in collaboration with its partners between autumn 2018 and the end of 2019.  The artists have explored different territories and got to know their specific challenges by engaging in conversation with a wide range of stakeholders. After a short residency period the artists come up with their imaginative proposals, based on a fresh look and inquiry. Built on the analysis of the 9 artistic acupuncture missions, this portfolio aims at focusing on the innovative methodology and strategies employed by the artists in different and complex contexts. The text explores how the artists, in collaboration with their hosts, have developed their creative missions and interpreted the changing meanings, values and functions of public space.


How to Cite
Bashiron Mendolicchio, H. (2020) “Artistic Acupuncture Missions: Penetrating the Public Space”, The Journal of Public Space, 5(4), pp. 209–220. doi: 10.32891/jps.v5i4.1383.
Author Biography

Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio, University of Barcelona

Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio is a researcher, writer, editor and curator, working across different disciplines, territories and cultures. He holds an international PhD in “Art History, Theory and Criticism” from the University of Barcelona and he is currently teaching in different Universities. Among others, he teaches at the Cultural Management Programme of the University of Barcelona, and he is the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course on International Cultural Cooperation. His current lines of investigation involve the subjects of intercultural processes, participation, collaboration, travelling, globalization and mobility in contemporary arts and cultural policies. His practice and research explores the topics of art in public space, cultural heritage, walking/journeying practices and the broader interactions between contemporary creation and international relations. Herman combines academic research, cultural management, curatorial practices and artistic methodologies, collaborating with a wide range of projects and organizations internationally.


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