
Krzysztof Krzysztof


This paper discusses the autoplagiarism of monuments as a system for the reworking structure of the public space in the interdisciplinary meta-analysis. The research rises the problem of blocking art and art activism in the region. The theoretical part focuses on Polish legislation (acts of 1994, 1997, 2003, and 2016), the opinions of historians on the division between the terms “places of memory” and “places of gratitude” (Ożóg 2011; Czarnecka 2015; Jach 2018), and an overview of the classification of monuments in artistic theories (Krauss 1993; Lacy 1995; Kwon 2004; Ranciere 2004; Walsh 2013; Taylor and Altenburg, 2006; Bellentani and Panico, 2016). Insights into psychological theories related to aesthetic judgment are also presented as supportive statements (Ishizu and Zeki 2013; G. E. Vaillant, M. Bond, and C.O. Vaillant, 1986; Reicher 2003; Le Bon 1929). The research covers six case studies of erected and removed monuments in the area of Smaller Poland during the period from the end of 2017 to the first part of 2018. All samples are related to the stakeholder's reactions to the past Soviet presence in the area and their current aims. The conclusions suggest strategies which could be helpful to strengthen the public space and classification for the autoplagiarized monument.


How to Cite
Krzysztof, K. (2020) “When Modern Monuments are an Act of Autoplagiarism: A Case Study on Objects from Lesser Poland (2017–2018) to Observe Reworking Public Space onto State Agenda”, The Journal of Public Space, 5(4), pp. 155–176. doi: 10.32891/jps.v5i4.1395.
Art and Activism
Author Biography

Krzysztof Krzysztof, Ulster University

I am interested in interdisciplinary research between the artistic and social sciences, focused on conflict resolution. I do research on mediation by art in public space. I've come a long way from an artist interested in sculpture, towards relation to the object, with interaction to public space, including experimental video or painting to place them in social psychology and art research. Since working on my doctorate I am constantly interested in the philosophy of science and the development of new research methods based on the psychological aspects of attitudes, defense mechanisms, and group dynamics with the public art.


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