
Rachel de Castro Almeida
Sabine Knierbein


Following the tracks of the soiree collectives in the metropolitan area of Belo Horizonte, this article aims at analysing the role of the dimension of everyday life, which according to Lefebvre means the constant movement between the tendency to repeat and the capacity for social transformation, the constant movement between routine and invention. These collectives are formed by young people, most of them residents of peripheral areas who have revealed themselves to be holders of a new subjectivity capable of explaining their place in the world and justifying their existence drawing from the pride of being peripheral, which results in a new way of political action. The daily life lived, perceived, and conceived in the context of their social and symbolic place occupied by the peripheries and their social actors has been reframed in the face of a set of social transformations and, consequently, it produces new public spheres and new ways of expression of emancipatory struggles. The ethnography carried out seeks to apprehend the intertwining of poetry, performance, and the occupation of public space. The critique of everyday life reveals those patterns of behaviour, organization strategies of groups and subgroups, networks of relationships and networks of meanings, as well as systems of material and symbolic exchanges. Indeed, such collectives are expressions of everyday resistance, manifested in poetry, in bodily expressions, in the way activities are organized and performed. In these soirees, critical and political reflections are collectively created, making the creative and liberating capacity emerge.


How to Cite
Almeida, R. de C. and Knierbein, S. (2023) “Between Alienation and Revolution: Incursions into Collectives of Soirees in Metropolitan Public Spaces in Belo Horizonte, Brazil”, The Journal of Public Space, 8(3), pp. 27–44. doi: 10.32891/jps.v8i3.1417.
Author Biographies

Rachel de Castro Almeida, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

Rachel de Castro Almeida is a professor and researcher in urban studies at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. Architect and Urban Planner, PhD in Social Sciences, she held a postdoctoral degree in Sociology at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in 2012-2013. In 2021 she was a guest researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center of Culture Urban and Public Space (SKuOR), TU Wien, as an international fellow of the Urban Studies Foundation, with the project “Collectives of Soirée in metropolitan public spaces: the role of spatial dimension in the configuration of new forms of collective action and agendas of contemporary youth”, developed under the supervision of Prof.Dr. phil. habil. Sabine Knierbein.

Sabine Knierbein, TU Wien

Sabine is an Associate Professor for Urban Culture and Public Space at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning,  TU Wien in Austria since 2016. Between 2008 and 2018 the centre was rooted as an Arbeitsbereich of the Department of Spatial Planning (E280.A1), while it operates within the Future.Lab of the Faculty for Architecture and Planning since 2019 (E285-02). As head of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space, and supported by an engaged team, Sabine realizes further activities such as academic networking, acquiring third party funding and publishing, editing and reviewing scientific publications and projects on an international scale. In spring 2020, Knierbein was appointed Visiting Professor for Urban Political Geography at the Social Geography Lab (LAGeS, www.lages.eu) at the Department of History, Archeology, Geography, Arts and Performance (SAGAS) of the University of Florence in Italy, where she has been affiliated as a guest researcher in 2021.  2022 she will be a guest research at Hafen City Universität in Hamburg. Based on her habilitation treatise entitled “Critique of Everyday Life in the 21st Century. Lived Space and Capitalist Urbanization”, Sabine obtained her venia in “Urban Studies ⁄ Internationale Urbanistik”.


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