Rethinking Public Open Space in Khartoum’s Low-income Neighbourhoods Lessons from African Cities
For half a century, continuous political and economic challenges in Khartoum, Sudan have perpetuated social inequity in the urban environment across generations. Poor-quality informal public open spaces compensate for the absence of accessible developed public spaces for the urban poor. Although there is a high supply and distribution of public open spaces within low-income neighbourhoods, yet, they are hardly noticed as a development opportunity for enhancing an aspect of life quality. Thus, this paper attempts to utilise the above-mentioned possibility by asking the question of how can public open spaces in low-income neighbourhoods be utilised? Aiming to identify suitable strategies of improvement. Through an exploratory investigation with an inductive component on public open spaces in developing countries, with Khartoum State in Sudan as a focal point, the methods are based on observations, desk research, literature review, and analysis of case studies. Furthermore, by highlighting the importance of public open spaces to individuals and local communities in the literature review, this study generates an Integrated Tri-pillar Framework (ITF) that is based on society, built environment, and economy to define overlapping contextual placemaking approaches and strategies for improving neighbourhood public open spaces in developing countries like Sudan. The framework links theory to practise, and is mobilised through analysing and interpreting analogous case studies on the success of public open spaces in African cities that share similarities in context with Khartoum, Sudan. The analysis hints at the possibility of empowering groups to take control in shaping their surrounding environment could lead to a greater sense of ownership and responsibility towards public spaces, potentially contributing to the creation of more active inclusive spaces. Finally, this study attempts to add to the limited academic work on this topic in Sudan, and concludes with holistic recommendations for upgrading public open spaces at the neighbourhood level.

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