
Carlos Smaniotto Costa
Nagayamma Aragão
Isaac Santos
Diderot Neto


African cities face complex dilemmas and transformation processes, related to social, environmental, and political-economic dimensions, these affect the quality of life of their citizens. Public spaces are one important indicator of urban quality of life and an essential tool for spatial planning and land-use management. They are a symbol of collective power and the link between citizens and government, as here publicness is practised and experienced. This contribution aims to provide insights into how public spaces in Angola and Sao Tomé and Principe that have been neglected by the governments are still places of socialisation and interaction. The cities of Benguela and São Tomé share common historical paths; created during the Portuguese colonial time, they became the centre of their regions. We take a public space in each city to discuss the usability and from this to address the potential and development challenges. The two cases are the Largo da Peça (Angola), whose name was taken from a cannon placed here in 1846. The cannon is a reminder of the Portuguese defence against the attacks of the native people. The second case refers to the surroundings of the Municipal Market Hall in the city of São Tomé (Sao Tomé and Príncipe). The Market Hall is one of the first modernist projects in the art deco architectural style built in the small insular country. Backed by documentary research and field observations this study provides insights on the current use of public spaces and the challenges public space development face in post-colonial African cities. The analysis suggests that although the lack of an effective public policy for public space management and development, both spaces have become places of collective interaction.



How to Cite
Smaniotto Costa, C., Aragão, N., Santos, I. and Neto, D. (2022) “Largo da Peça in Benguela (Angola) and the Municipal Market in São Tomé (Sao Tomé and Príncipe): The Production of Public Spaces in Portuguese Colonial Cities”, The Journal of Public Space, 7(1), pp. 217–230. doi: 10.32891/jps.v7i1.1541.
Author Biographies

Carlos Smaniotto Costa, Universidade Lusófona, Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, CeiED - Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento

Carlos Smaniotto Costa (PhD) holds a diploma in landscape architecture and environmental planning and a PhD in urban and landscape planning from the Leibniz University Hanover/Germany. He lectures landscape design and urban ecology in the master’s and PhD programmes at Universidade Lusófona, where he also leads the research area on socio-spatial studies. Smaniotto serves on the editorial board of several peer-reviewed international journals and has worked on a number of national and international research projects covering different issues - all centred on sustainable urban development and transforming cities into more liveable spaces. Smaniotto publishes widely on environmental, social and urban geography as well as urban planning and design issues in professional journals in English, Portuguese, German and Italian.

Nagayamma Aragão, Universidade Lusófona, Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento (CeiED)

Geographer, holder of a master’s degree in Geography and Development with Specialisation in Civil Protection and Territorial Planning, with technical training in geographical information systems, doctoral candidate in Urbanism, investigator and co-advisor at Research and Learning Communities, CITADE: Citizen science in understanding and transforming the territory at Universidade Lusófona (Lisbon, Portugal). The eagerness for research comes from the need to address issues, contributing to the development of societies, as well as, to the development of more decisive policies centred in a planning turned to people and sociability, in the scope of citizen science, participative and co-creative processes and social justice. Qualified to act in the field of multipurpose territorial cadastre to develop a useful and scientifically accurate work in the field of rural, urban, and regional territory planning. Nowadays, develops projects and solutions coordination integrated in the communal problem-solving and institutions in multicultural environments in Portugal and abroad.

Isaac Santos, Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação de Benguela

PhD student in Urban Planning (ULHT/2021-2024), Isaac Santos holds a Master in Sociology of Education and Educational Policies (UMINHO/19-22). Specialist and Master in Environment and Planning (UCoimbra/2011_2013), Specialist in Road Safety (IDES_22), with Degree in Educational Sciences, option: Teaching Geography (ISCED-BGA/UAN-2006).

Diderot Neto, Universidade de São Tomé e Príncipe, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Diderot Neto holds a Degree in Geography by State University of Goiás, Anapolis (Brasil, 2005) and a Master in Geography in the area of ​​Environmental Management and Territory by Universidade de Brasília, Brasília (Brasil, 2008).


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