Inclusive Environment Disabled Bodies in the Built Environment of Dar es Salaam City
Some people are left out of their community because of matters they have no control over. Some are excluded from the built environment because of their age, ethnicity, race, disability or migrant status. The “right to the city” concept provides an arena for the discussion of the inclusiveness of disabled and aging population in the built environment. Dar es Salaam city provides an exemplary case of a city excluding disabled and/or older people, confining them in their homes. This qualitative study investigates how being unable to access services within the built environment hinders participation of disadvantaged individuals in social, political and economic arenas. It is argued that forgetting these disadvantaged groups in the planning and design of built environment that urban managers, engineers, architects and planners are creating, enhances unjust societies. Therefore, contemporary urban design and policy-making approaches should inform practitioners to leave nobody behind.

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