Public Spaces and Urban Revitalization Evidence and Insights from Luanda
This paper aims to provide insight into the potential of urban revitalisation interventions for improved public space in the context of African cities. Based on a review and evidence of the history, perceptions, and use of public spaces in the capital city of Angola, Luanda, the paper sheds lights on some of the challenges that surround the access to and inclusivity of quality public spaces in planned and unplanned urban set ups of African cities. Examples of urban revitalization initiatives in Luanda in turn shed light on the importance of the role of citizen adaptations and agency to tackle urban decay and the need to create public spaces that are inclusive and responsive to local needs, culture, and individual perceptions. In doing so, the paper seeks to show that the successful transfer of urban policies depends on local government leadership and support as well as a better understanding of the diverse backgrounds and perspectives of local residents and their understandings of what public space means and who they serve.

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