On Top of Sustainability Exploring Rooftops as Sites of Urban (Cultural) Sustainability Transformations
This article examines the role of cultural events in Rotterdam’s urban sustainability transition by looking at the festival Rotterdamse Dakendagen [Rotterdam’s Rooftop Days]. During this week-long festival, rooftops are used by citizens and cultural groups to activate urban spaces as places of learning, exchange, and DIY urbanism, thus broadening the scope of rooftops as places for cultural sustainability. Drawing on empirical material collected via qualitative interviews, policy document analysis, and five months of participant observation, we identify three aspects that inform urban sustainability transitions via culture: (1) the (re)activation of rooftops via cultural programming, (2) institution-building that is mindful of festivals’ continuously temporary nature, and (3) the limited material, yet wide-ranging immaterial effects of urban cultural festivals that have accelerated the Rotterdam’s urban (cultural) politics of sustainability. In sum, the article argues that culture plays an important role in any investigation of urban sustainability transitions and should be considered with more conceptual nuance in the future.

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