Pedalling Towards Improved Well-being Impact of Non-motorised Transport Infrastructure on the Quality of Life of the Youth in Delhi
Rapid urbanisation and population growth in Delhi have led to a significant increase in the demand for transport infrastructure. However, a traditional adherence to car-centric development in Indian cities has contributed to escalating road injuries and degraded urban settings, exposing pedestrians and cyclists to a fatality risk of around 40 times higher than car users. To address these challenges, strategies like Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) are crucial in promoting sustainable mobility. Despite its proven effectiveness globally, the influence of NMT on the Quality of Life (QoL), especially on the youth (aged 15-29 years) in the Indian context remains unexplored. This paper investigates a recent integration of NMT infrastructure on one of Delhi’s most accident-prone roads through space redistribution. The paper gathers infrastructure assessment factors and physical, social, mental and economic well-being indicators from existing literature and user perceptions on-site. Based on user perceptions, these are correlated, followed by a quantitative study of the influence of each factor on its corresponding indicator using positive responses before and after transformation. The study emphasises key factors that must be addressed while revamping public streets to enhance the health and well-being of young individuals. It suggests that layout quality and lighting significantly improve safety and comfort. Yet the design compromises safety due to a lack of city-level and neighbourhood continuity, and intersections with the high-speed road, resulting in a low rating for physical well-being. A composite well-being score is calculated to illustrate the extent of impact on QoL. Insights derived from the case of Delhi offer a practical framework for other Indian cities seeking to enhance their urban landscapes. The paper emphasises the perspectives of youth on quality well-being, shows how different design features act toward achieving a high QoL, and intends to nudge a shift toward pedestrian-friendly cities.

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