
Glykeria Anaxagorou
Nadia Charalambous


Central public spaces in cities have always played an important role in urban experience, and continue to have a city-wide significance, often described as the meeting spaces of cultures, politics, social and individual trajectories. Peripheral and/or neighbourhood public spaces, where the everyday life of citizens unfolds, rarely enjoy any of this significance and may not receive the attention needed from the main stakeholders involved. Many researchers have highlighted the significance of these public spaces in cities, pointing out that the patterns of everyday life in residential neighbourhoods – whether it is the chance encounters in the local market or conversations in the local square– are the essential material of society and may well have integrative social functions, of an individual or collective initiative. 

This paper aims at an empirical contribution to a better understanding of the synthesizing mechanisms, which shape public spaces in cities’ neighbourhoods, by addressing the variety of factors involved and their relations and by highlighting the need for manifold perspectives on the localized ‘meaning’ of places, constructed, and shaped by local practices and behaviours. Drawing on the theoretical framework of relational theories, the paper sets out to explore the links between the physical sphere and the social sphere of three different residential public spaces in the city of Limassol, critically exploring the ways in which the boundaries of public space are challenged and negotiated. Both spatial analysis and social sciences methods are employed to map and unveil the essential role residential public spaces play, in bringing together what society divides in contemporary, multicultural cities, where multiplicities of identities, languages, religions and cultures may naturally give rise to tensions and even hostilities. The potential for interaction and meetings between different people backgrounds in the public realm is shown to be a crucial prerequisite for shaping encounters during their everyday life, encouraging tolerance and a feeling of belonging.


How to Cite
Anaxagorou, G. and Charalambous, N. (2023) “Mapping Everyday Public Spaces in Urban Neighbourhoods: The case of Limassol”, The Journal of Public Space, 8(3), pp. 7–26. doi: 10.32891/jps.v8i3.1756.
Author Biographies

Glykeria Anaxagorou, University of Cyprus

Glykeria Anaxagorou studied Architecture at the University of Cyprus from 2008-2013, where she received her BSc. in Architecture and the Diploma in Architecture Engineering where she was the recipient of the first prize for her dissertation. She subsequently completed her Ph.D. studies at the University of Cyprus (Everyday Public Spaces in Urban Neighborhood, the case of Limassol). This work was the introduction to her academic career which continued with conference presentations, publications in international journals and conference proceedings.

Nadia Charalambous, University of Cyprus

Nadia Charalambous is an Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture at UCY and Director of the Society and Urban Form (SURF) research lab. She studied Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, University of London (BSc. in Architecture and Environmental Studies, M.Sc. in Advanced Architectural Studies, Diploma in Architecture) and completed her Ph.D. studies at the National Technical University in Athens. Research interests aim to address the inherently complex relationship between spatial configuration and social phenomena, both methodologically and theoretically. Past and planned research focuses on addressing issues of evidence-based urban design, urban inclusion and accessibility to public space, through a participatory framework and the ways the above are channelled to and inform architectural pedagogy. She is the Project Coordinator of the Erasmus + KA2 project, “EPUM; Emerging Perspective on Urban Morphology: Researching and Learning through Multiple Practices”, 2017-2020, of the Erasmus+, “Knowledge Alliances for Evidence-Based Urban Practices Project”, 2021-2023, of the Horizon Europe "Twinning Towards Research Excellence in Evidence-Based Urban Planning and Design", 2023-2026 and of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “Education in Living Labs: Participatory Skills for sustainable Urban Governance”, 2023-2026.


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