The Intangible Values of Placemaking in Engaging Youth for Activating and Shaping Places
Placemaking represents a multifunctional approach to urban design that brings together communities around places to foster their sense of belonging and enhance the identity of urban spaces. These places represent the backbone of the city, not only for their physical dimension, but also for social and cultural interactions, where youth have an active role in envisioning a new future for cities by actively participating in placemaking processes, acquiring a strong sense of ownership, and creating youth-friendly places. In that vision, schools can boost this approach by starting to rethink public spaces around them together with students. This study addresses, firstly, the necessity to recognise the intangible values of urban projects by assessing the values of a placemaking process when no physical changes have yet been realised. Secondly, it delves into the benefits of engaging youth in the creation of inclusive and sustainable cities. It examines how youth engagement in these processes can be advantageous and how schools can play a crucial role in the development of public spaces by participating in placemaking activities.
To address these research questions and evaluate the intangible values, an “Impacts Assessment Framework” was developed. This tool helps reconsider challenges by expanding their scope and seeking solutions. The framework was also used to evaluate the “Carpi Campus” experience, assessing the impacts of intangible values from the initial phase, even before physical changes were implemented. The intangible values of placemaking in engaging youth include understanding and addressing complex issues pedagogically, training in active citizenship (including typically excluded individuals in urban planning), and fostering new design abilities for envisioning future scenarios.

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