
Dheamyra Ihsanti


The concept of placemaking entails the necessity for practical implementation rather than being solely theoretical or based on planning considerations. Placemaking practices focus on human activities and public spaces. Therefore, the process of placemaking necessitates active involvement and engagement with the community, as it is essential to understand and incorporate the unique needs, values, and aspirations of the residents to create a sense of belonging and identity towards a public space. A unique example is community in “urban kampung” in Indonesia, a prevalent urban neighbourhood archetype characterised by distinct attributes and a conservative community. The urban kampung, with its dense population, poses many issues, one of which is the need for additional public places. The current study focuses on employing the placemaking strategy, specifically targeting children and youth as the primary users, to enhance the provision of activities inside two urban kampungs in Bandung and Jakarta where youth predominate.
Through engagement in projects, this article demonstrates the application of two distinct methodologies between the cities. The strategy in Bandung involved revitalising a previously-neglected area under a highway bridge and transforming it into a suitable football facility. While the strategy in Jakarta concentrated on experimenting with how to organise activities with the children at the urban kampung, both cities have projects aimed at promoting community engagement in public places via the use of placemaking. It is important to acknowledge that children have distinct values, understanding and needs that should be accommodated in public spaces. This study posits that the placemaking strategy may be effectively implemented in small-scale projects, such as creating specific activities or establishing dedicated spaces. Findings indicate that physical attributes are insufficient for a location to be considered excellent; rather, the presence of engaging activities is necessary to enhance its quality.


How to Cite
Ihsanti, D. and Widiyani (2024) “Youth Empowerment in Urban Kampung Neighborhood Through Placemaking: A Case Study of Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia”, The Journal of Public Space, 9(2), pp. 223–232. doi: 10.32891/jps.v9i2.1790.
Non Academic / Case study
Author Biographies

Dheamyra Ihsanti, Bandung Institute of Technology

Dhea graduated as the Best Graduate for her Bachelor's in Urban and Regional Planning from Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia. She is a climate change and sustainability consultant in a Big Four company and the founder of Indonesia's Placemaking organization called Ruang Ketiga. In Ruang Ketiga, she and her partners developed placemaking projects for local communities in her area. Ruang Ketiga have impacted hundreds of locals through the projects, including youth and children.

Widiyani, Bandung Institute of Technology

After receiving a bachelor's degree in architecture from the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in 1993, Widiyani began teaching the aesthetics’ course in the architecture department at ITB. Simultaneously, she began her work as an architect at a private consulting business. Widiyani earned her master's degree in architectural design at ITB by discussing behavior and lifestyle at the gallery café. She then did a variety of behavioral research studies about the informal sector and transportation services. Her research on mall shopping behavior and decision-making earned her a Ph.D. from TU Eindhoven in the Netherlands in 2018. She is presently an assistant professor after joining the ITB Architectural Design Research Group in 2012. Upon her return to ITB, she was given responsibility for the Arte-Polis, a biannual international conference on creative communities and the building of places. The conference inspires her to study more about placemaking. By highlighting her human-centered strengths, she advances her understanding of placemaking. Widiyani was given the chance to teach a bachelor's-level course on placemaking and social experiments in 2020, therefore getting further experience with placemaking efforts up to the present.


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