
Ayanda Roji


The struggles for land and spatial justice feature very strongly in the modern history of the African continent, which has not only deeply shaped the continent’s history, but continues to shape its present and unfold in its future. In such contexts, geographic space as well as public space is layered with physical, symbolic and political meanings. Who has access to the benefits and resources of the city and who does not, who is able to flourish and who cannot, are therefore part of much larger historical and societal questions, reflecting the beliefs and values we hold and pursue as communities, governments, nations, and perhaps also as Africans.
The centrality of public spaces in Africa informed the formation of the Centre on African Public Spaces (CAPS). Initially established by the City of Johannesburg metropolitan municipality in response to the 2018 Africities Summit’s call for a regional knowledge-sharing platform on public spaces, CAPS is the first multidisciplinary initiative formed through international collaborations with the ‘UN-Habitat Global Public Space Programme’ and the ‘GIZ Inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention Programme’. CAPS also brings together municipalities and provincial governments across the continent, universities and civil society organisations.



How to Cite
Roji, A. (2022) “Rethinking Public Spaces in Africa: The Necessity for the Centre on African Public Spaces”, The Journal of Public Space, 7(1), pp. 3–6. doi: 10.32891/jps.v7i1.1804.
Author Biography

Ayanda Roji, Centre on African Public Spaces

Ayanda Roji is the head of research and knowledge management at the City of Johannesburg's Parks and Zoo Department in South Africa. She is a convenor of the first regional multidisciplinary knowledge sharing hub focusing on public space, the Centre on African Public Spaces - a knowledge public space sharing platform for African cities, universities and civil society organisations. She is a strong advocate of innovative alternative practices that seek to include voices and ideas of vulnerable groups in shaping communities they live in. Currently, her preoccupation is to push Africa cities to view green and public spaces as vital components of sustainable urban transformation and greener urban futures with a key role in promoting social and environmental resilience of urban systems. She holds a master's degree in Local and Regional Development from the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University in the Netherlands.


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