(Wo)Man-Made Public Space The Design Changes Needed to Create Gender-inclusive Cities
Women experience limitations in public space regarding their safety, comfort, and accessibility, which might be mitigated by urban design. This article addresses the question: How can public space become more gender-inclusive through the implementation of design principles focused on meeting the needs of women? It draws on existing literature combined with empirical observations and interviews, to establish a framework of eight design principles (safety cues, informal surveillance, legibility, spatial appropriation, representation, diversity, slow modes and ease of use) to make public spaces more gender-inclusive. The principles are applied in an exemplary design case focused on a public street in the city centre of Heerlen, Netherlands , which currently faces many of the issues that are especially limiting to women. Active public spaces, meaning spaces that encourage user engagement and interaction, often already contain some elements outlined in the framework, leading to easier fulfilment of the design principles. The application of the principles is limited to one design case, and the focus is restricted to women’s experiences. When applying the principles in other cases or typologies, the implications of the proposed design guidelines need to be carefully considered.

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