
Darko Radović


In 2011, at Keio University, Tokyo, we launched Measuring the non-Measurable, with academic and practitioners involved in production of space in ten cities of Asia (Tokyo, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore), Australia (Melbourne) and Europe (Barcelona, Belgrade, Copenhagen, Florence).
The intention of Mn’M was never to question the importance of quantifiable dimensions of life. One of its critical aims was to argue for an equally respectful treatment of other dimensions of knowing, as neither the quantifiable not the non-quantifiable alone can fully cover the key dimensions of the synthetic quality which we seek to live. The cities are always in and of a particular place, in and of a particular time. That double contextualisation makes their realities enormously dynamic and complex. The complexity itself and the groundedness in concrete, unique situations are the key aspects of being urban.


How to Cite
Radović, D. (2016) “Learning, Thinking and Living Tokyo. Doing urban research in cultures radically different to that of our own”, The Journal of Public Space, 1(1), pp. 35–42. doi: 10.5204/jps.v1i1.8.
Author Biography

Darko Radović, Keio University. co+labo

Darko Radović is Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at Keio University, an initiator and a founding co-Director of International Keio Institute for Architecture and Urbanism – IKI, and a Visiting Professor at the United Nations University, Institute of Advanced Studies, Yokohama. He is also a member of the Philips Center for Health and Well-being Livable Cities Think Tank. Darko Radović received his doctorate in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia. He has taught, researched and practiced architecture and urbanism in Europe, Australia and Asia. His research in architecture and urbanism and, consequently, the core of activities in his laboratory, focuses at the nexus between environmental and cultural sustainability and situations where architecture and urban design overlap, where traditional “architectural” and “urban” scales blur, where social starts to acquire physical form. His investigations of the concepts of urbanity and sustainable development focus on culturally and environmentally diverse contexts which expose difference and offer encounter with the other. He argues that neither the path of ecological nor that of cultural sustainability can be undertaken separately, and indeed that there is no viable future without their harmonious synthesis. On that basis, he has developed the concept of eco-urbanity, which constitutes one of the hubs of his recent teaching activities and publications, and radical realism, as design praxis of eco-urbanity.


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