
Victoria Masterman
Lauren Heritage-Brand


Urban densification and a global shift towards the creation of walkable neighbourhoods have generated demand for more sustainable transport models and supporting infrastructure. Transforming streetscapes from car dominated spaces to places for people. A review of public space allocation in streets demonstrates the need to re-prioritise and re-organise streets to provide improved infrastructure to meet present and future demands on transport corridors.
This paper proposes the creation of, an integrated design solution in the form of an urban 'Oasis' that provides a network of on street facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. Planning the network of ‘Oasis’ is informed by the principal of Link and Place creating a visual balance between vehicles and other street users while promoting sustainable ideologies. The 'Oasis' presents itself as a multi-purpose drink station, bus shelter, public seating area, bike rack, public art piece and environmental education tool that, at its core functionality, captures, stores and purifies rainwater so that commuters can park, rest and access water after a walk or ride to the station.
The paper explores available technologies and a range of modular adaptable designs to suit various urban landscapes. An integrated network of ‘Oasis’ transforms the street combining furniture combining cycling and pedestrian facilities, comfort and user friendliness, in a unique and attractive form. The development of the Oasis, draws on a range of fields including urban planning and design, landscape architecture, natural resource management, urban water engineering, digital communications and technologies and the visual arts.
This research demonstrates the potential flow-on benefits of the Oasis including improved road safety, increased patronage on public transport, increase in cycling, improved natural resource education and management, improved sense of place and foster community building.


How to Cite
Masterman, V. and Heritage-Brand, L. (2017) “Urban Oasis: an integrated water shelter and city-scape beacon”, The Journal of Public Space, 2(1), pp. 135–146. doi: 10.5204/jps.v2i1.56.
Author Biographies

Victoria Masterman, The University of Adelaide

Victoria Masterman is a landscape architect, planner and urban designer, with over 18 years’ experience in local and state government, private practice and the development industry.
In her role at the City of Onkaparinga, she responsible for project leadership of complex major projects from a strategy level through to construction. She holds bachelor degrees in Design Studies (major LA), Landscape Architecture, completing a Masters of Planning (Urban Design) at the University of Adelaide in 2015.
Through her academic and professional work Victoria has been recognised by numerous professional bodies, including her “Activating Laneways: a strategy for Adelaide”, the Frank Hilton Landfill Remediation Project and the Walkerville Terrace Main Street Assessment.
Victoria focuses on leading projects through all stages of planning, design and delivery with a keen interest in the assessment, prioritization and activation of public space.

Lauren Heritage-Brand, University of Adelaide

Lauren Heritage-Brand is a qualified Geographer, holding a Bachelor of Science from James Cook University and continues her masters studies in urban planning and applied innovation at the University of Adelaide.  Lauren has over 15 years’ professional experience in natural resource management policy and planning with State and Australian Governments and is also an experienced product developer and innovator, having launched several new products and services to market.  She continues to work and volunteer with the James Cook University, Innovation NQ Inc (a not-for-profit industry association) and the Startup Townsville community group. Lauren’s interests include the role of technology in public space design and the deployment of co-designed ephemeral events to engage communities, drawing on her travels through Asia and Europe, including representing University of Adelaide at the 2013 Student World Forum in Shanghai on future transport and urban design.


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