
Helle Søholt


This article is the result of an interview Helle Søholt gave to Luisa Bravo and Mirko Guaralda, Founding Editors of The Journal of Public Space, on June 2, 2017.


How to Cite
Søholt, H. (2017) “Making cities for people. Moulding urban design around human beings”, The Journal of Public Space, 2(2), pp. 1–12. doi: 10.5204/jps.v2i2.102.
Author Biography

Helle Søholt, Gehl

Helle is Founding Partner and CEO of Gehl. She started Gehl with Professor Jan Gehl in 2000. Through her leadership, strategic and organizational talent, the office has developed a knowledge base and experience portfolio that is respected internationally in the field of urban design and urban development. Over the years of its existence, Gehl has been awarded multiple prizes and recognitions for their contribution to making cities more livable and sustainable around the world.