
Marco Spada
Stefano Bigiotti


In this paper we examine the effects of urban farming in a worldwide system of dismissed areas affected by the phenomena of large-scale industrial dismissing and shrinking cities. We study the features of urban decay and subsequent spill overs of land and soil use in private and public conduct in agri-urbanism. The connection between the city and its farmland could represent an opportunity to improve the welfare of the whole area near the city, made possible by establishing a close relationship between the development of sustainable agriculture and the city. This renewed interest in agricultural production not only depends on urban and - or economic interest, but on a new conception of city that can improve the use of agricultural gardening to overcompensate for the empty spaces between industrial and rural areas, as well as those peri-urban spaces which are included between buildings and sub-urban voids.


How to Cite
Spada, M. and Bigiotti, S. (2017) “Peri-urban agriculture and cultural heritage. The public potential of the in-between areas”, The Journal of Public Space, 2(2), pp. 51–62. doi: 10.5204/jps.v2i2.92.
Author Biographies

Marco Spada, University of Liverpool

Marco Spada obtained his PhD from University of Rome “La Sapienza". Graduated at University of Roma Tre, he studied at the Department of Geography and Planning of University of Liverpool. His field is urban planning and sustainability, with a particular interest in the architecture and reuse of industrial facilities. He works as project manager in a consultancy firm based in Milan.

Stefano Bigiotti, University of Rome “La Sapienza"

Graduated in Architecture with merit (University of Rome “La Sapienza", 2012), Stefano Bigiotti holds a Ph.D. in architectural composition at the Department of Architecture and Design of the same University. Since 2013 he combines research and teaching to the professional activity, obtaining honorable mentions and awards in national and international architectural competition.


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