
Chiara Occelli
Riccardo Palma


One of the contemporary problems of dwelling concerns a threat to the interrelationship between settlements and geomorphology. We think that one of the most important peculiarities of public space is the power to represent these relations by means of architecture. Good quality architecture in public spaces would allow inhabitants to be a part of the places and territories in which they live. In the context of these problems, cycle-routes could play an important role, as a new kind of linear public space. They could become “geographical architecture” (Occelli & Palma, 2008).


How to Cite
Occelli, C. and Palma, R. (2017) “Architecture of the landform and settlements identities. Cycle-routes as new linear public spaces”, The Journal of Public Space, 2(2), pp. 63–74. doi: 10.5204/jps.v2i2.93.
Author Biographies

Chiara Occelli, Polytechnic of Turin

Chiara Occelli (1967), Phd in History and Conservation of architectural and landscape heritage, is Associate Professor in Restoration, member of the Department of Architecture and Design of the Polytechnic of Turin, teacher of the theoretical course of Restore.
Her research activity focuses on three main aspects of Architectural Restoration: the relationships between conservation and structural/constructive history of architectural heritage; the relationships between conservation and architectural design; the relationships between conservation and landscapes or cities. Her studies always mix indirect analyses (archive, bibliographic and iconographic documents) and direct analyses (the real consistency of the building or landscape or urban asset through the survey; the material and structural aspects) in order to understand the possibility of new uses and new architectural design, that will represent a new layer in the stratified history of the existing context. Then, she never forget to analyses the history of Restoration, the history of the theoretical positions that have been developed to date. Because of the complexity of the developed themes, sometimes her researches are interdisciplinary and carried on crossing different knowledge in team works. Chiara Occelli is tutor of many graduation and doctoral theses and author of several essays in Italy and abroad.

Riccardo Palma, Polytechnic of Turin

Riccardo Palma, Master in Architecture at Polytechnic of Milan and PhD at IUAV of Venice, is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at Department of Architecture and Design of Polytechnic of Turin (DAD) where he researches and teaches in the domain of architectural design. He is also member of the Doctorate in Architecture History and Architectural Design of Polytechnic of Turin. His research activity focuses on the architectural design procedures with particular reference to: the relationships between cartographic representation of site and architectural design; the forms and the techniques of architectural theory; the problems of the teaching of architectural design. In the last years he has started a research concerning the role of the architecture of the geographic forms in the settlements design and in the enhancement of the identities of the territories. The research has focused in particular on the issue of the architecture of the infrastructures for smart mobility.


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