
Manfredo Manfredini


Recent socioeconomic and technological advancements are transforming the routines of consumption into post-consumerist practices. From a socio-spatial perspective, this is primarily driven by the augmentation of two main processes: prosumption and transduction. Addressing the condition of public space in rapidly developing cities in East Asia and Australasia, this paper discusses how these two forces have contributed to a novel spatial dimension: meta-publicness. The discussion is theoretically framed by two main streams of the research on public space: the one that approaches it as the irreducible realm of agonistic pluralism and the one which sees it as crucial to socio-spatial ontogenetic processes. The major recent concept adopted in the new civic mall planning and management, experientiality, is discussed considering two main aspects: the role of eventful spectacularised environments in these hyper-mediated depoliticised spaces, and the re-politicising agency of their hyper-mediated connectedness. This paper concludes that if a democratisation of the spectacle has introduced relevant antagonistic decommodification forces, there is an internal weakness of the system that exposes these places to an even higher hegemonic dominance.


How to Cite
Manfredini, M. (2017) “The Augmented Meta-Public Space. Interpreting emerging transductive territories in enhanced centres of consumption”, The Journal of Public Space, 2(3), pp. 111–128. doi: 10.5204/jps.v2i3.120.
Chapter II
Author Biography

Manfredo Manfredini, University of Auckland, School of Architecture and Planning

Manfredo Manfredini has consistently been involved in fundamental and applied research projects, both locally and internationally research over a wide range of topics in architectural theory and criticism, as well as in design at architectural and urban scales. After teaching architecture and urban design in Italy, Germany and China, since 2010 he has been teaching architecture and urban design at the University of Auckland. His current research interests address post-urban spatialisation forms and correlated design aspects, particularly focusing on valorisation, re-qualification and redevelopment of architectural and urban heritage; affordable and special housing; and education in architecture. Each of these areas has been successfully developed in collaboration with international and multi-disciplinary teams, as proven by the track record of consistent publications, successful grants (national and international) and awards (e.g. first price Biennale di Venezia, Sironi Group), and invited participation in major global events (e.g. United Nations Habitat III conference).