
Verity Nunan
Karine Dupre


This paper aims to add to the research investigating how home is created from the perspective of those who live outside the norms of a conventional house. This research focuses on those members of the community who live in public spaces in self-built camps in the nearby bush lands surrounding Byron Bay and Brunswick Heads (Australia). This study identified what methods people use to control space and create their own space by cross-analysing the patterns that emerged from a questionnaire and mapping data. The research also used ground-up inquiry to validate the statement that every human experience needs to be understood, with the view that we cannot improve one’s housing conditions without understanding the people who live in those conditions and their values. The study identified some of the challenges and opportunities that face these communities which will need to be addressed in order to respond in a meaningful way in the future.


How to Cite
Nunan, V. and Dupre, K. (2018) “What the mapping of Byron Bay Shire’s informal settlement teaches us about having a home without having a house”, The Journal of Public Space, 3(1), pp. 49–74. doi: 10.5204/jps.v3i1.318.
Author Biographies

Verity Nunan, Griffith University

Verity Nunan is an HDR student in Architecture at Griffith University and an artist. She is passionate about people, the sense and use of space and the social meanings of our built environment.

Karine Dupre, Griffith University

Associate Professor Karine Dupre is a registered architect and planner, holding a PhD in Urban Planning and Design. She is currently Program Director at Griffith Architecture (Australia) and member of the Griffith Institute For Tourism. She has an extensive experience in place-making, tactical urbanism, community participation, building heritage and heritage district, feasibility studies for regional and local sites, urban development and sustainability. Working with the private and public sectors, she is also a Foreign Consultant of the Tourism Planning Academy of Jiangxi Province (China) and High End Expert for Hunan Province (China). Passionate about cross-disciplinary approaches and partnerships, grounded on her practical and comprehensive expertise, A/Prof Karine Dupre has successfully conducted several projects involving different key stakeholders all over the world and in local communities.


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